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Report of the second day of the MINEX 2022 exhibition

10/24/2023 10:53:43 AM

According to the Public Relations Information Unit based in Imam Khomeini Mosque (RA), the second day of the Minex exhibition, like the opening day, was accompanied by a good and enthusiastic reception by activists and enthusiasts in the field of mining and steel industries.

The special guest on the second day of the exhibition was Mr. Dr. Samiinejad, the respected CEO of Parsian Investment Company, who was present at the booth of Opal Parsian Sangan Investment Group and Company, while visiting the booth, during the latest news of the exhibition and the details of the visit of officials and guests to Parsian's investment booth and the issues raised and discussed with the guests were discussed with the guests, then they visited the booths of the companies present in the exhibition accompanied by the executive secretary of the exhibition.

One of the remarkable points of Mr. Samiinejad's visit was the special welcome of the companies, professors and elites present at the exhibition, as well as the enthusiasm of the companies that produce equipment and parts for the mining and steel industries, which mainly include knowledge-based companies and phenomena in the industry. mining and steel industries, which requested scientific, information and executive cooperation with the subsidiaries of the investment group.

Mr. Samiinejad, the managing director of Parsian Investment Company, considered the holding of the Minex exhibition as acceptable and satisfactory and welcomed the activists of the mining and steel industries to this exhibition, and expressed his hope that in the future exhibitions, he would see the presence of all the investment and production complexes of the mining and industrial industries. Steel, as well as the colorful presence of professors and scientific pioneers of the country's mining industry.

Further, he called for more cooperation and cooperation of the managers and government officials with the private and production sector activists of the mineral and steel industries with the aim of facilitating and solving the problems facing the production and especially helping to solve the problems of the current situation of the mineral and steel products sales market.

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Report of the second day of the MINEX 2022 exhibition

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