The development management of Opal Parsian Sangan Industrial and Mining Company operates under the supervision of the CEO of the company and under the supervision This management is the engineering affairs unit under the guidance of the head of engineering affairs and under the supervision of the project planning and control department including the supervisor of project planning and control, experts and archives. The project implementation department includes project design and implementation experts, and 3 positions of project heads are also working under the supervision of this management for the management of large projects such as the project of building a pellet factory and a concentrate factory. This management, using the above structure and experienced and committed forces with technical and contractual knowledge and mastering the necessary skills to implement the project in line with the approved development plan and budget and the vision of the service company, such as the definition and justification studies of the plans required by the company, prepared and developing the company's development budget, designing and setting up tender documents for projects, monitoring the good execution and delivery of current contracts, dealing with statuses and estimates of projects, holding management and technical meetings required for project management and other relevant matters. which in recent years has provided all of these services in large-scale projects such as the construction of a pellet factory and various other projects such as road construction, construction, utility and industrial projects and the mentioned projects have been delivered to the operator .