The capacity of this project is 5 million tons per year. The construction of this factory is the result of the participation and cooperation of Azaran Industrial Structures Company as a domestic manufacturer and the Torex engineering team, using the moving chain furnace method. The pellet feed of the company is supplied from the 2.6 million ton concentrate factory and purchased from neighboring companies. The goal of the pelletizing project was to supply feed to the country's steel factories and not need to import it. A pellet factory usually consists of mixing, raw pellet production, pellet baking, pellet grinding, pellet coating, and fine pellet grinding.
Pelletizing is the second stage of the steel production cycle.
In the method of iron production using blast furnace, soft iron ore cannot be used. Also, in the case of low-grade iron ore, due to the concentration stage and raising the grade of iron ore, the stone becomes soft (concentrate). Therefore, a new process should be used to convert the powder form concentrate into a product that can be used in the blast furnace, this process was invented under the name of pelleting and has been significantly expanded.
Opal Parsian Sangan pellet factory with a capacity of 5 million tons has been put into operation in 2016. Among the specifications of this factory is a furnace with a process length of 168 meters, a width of 4 meters and 9 pelletizing discs with a diameter of 7.5 meters.