Planning and quality assurance unit is one of the sub-units of the management department of the organization, whose duties Such as following up on the realization of goals and plans related to collaborative systems such as the suggestion system and 5S and reporting to senior management, identifying the organization's processes and determining its monitoring and measurement indicators, and collaborating in formulating a vision, policy and strategy. is in charge of the organization and planning related goals and plans.
Currently, the grooming system and the suggestion system have been established in Opal Parsian Sangan, and we are continuously improving the organization through the active participation of personnel through monitoring and auditing. One of the lofty and progressive goals of the planning and quality assurance unit is to pursue the implementation of IMS standard management (includes ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001) and energy management with the participation of complex personnel, which this standard includes a set of requirements that organizations need to improve the performance of processes, improve biological issues, observe and improve safety and occupational principles, and comply with laws and regulations.