The welfare and services unit is one of the units that helps to increase the level of employee satisfaction. It takes steps to achieve the goals of the organization.
Green space, physical education, transportation and cooking and food distribution, as well as public services and guest houses as units under the public services and The welfare affairs of Opal Parsian Company are considered.
In a way, it can be said; The said unit provides a wide range of services for handling matters related to the physical and mental health of employees, as well as providing the necessary facilities for the provision of necessary items and daily life needs of employees.< /span>
A brief report of each of the mentioned items is described as follows; < /span>
Shipping unit:
This collection aims to carry out the transportation of employees, contractors, as well as providing parts and services within the site, serving in three shifts daily. It is to the employees of the company.
Employees of this complex provide commuting service, while maintaining the health of employees, it increases their work efficiency during work.< /span>
This unit, having 11 buses, 11 minibuses, 13 light cars and 7 pickups in three shifts, always strives to provide the best welfare services. provide it to employees.
It should be said; Provision of transportation service for the company's employees to attend Friday political and religious prayers to the cities of Khaf. Qasim Abad, Salami and Sadeh are also other services provided to the hardworking employees of this company.
green space unit :
This unit is responsible for all matters related to the green space of Opal Parsian Company. Among these matters are:
- Dealing with the state of green space
- Green space development
Goals of the green space unit:
Maintenance and management of about 8 hectares of resistant and compatible plant species in line with environmental goals is the most important goal of this unit. This is very important considering the adverse weather conditions of the region (120-day winds) as well as the unfavorable cultivation bed.
Physical Education Unit:
Physical training also provides significant services in order to expand public sports and create morale and maintain health, which in addition to company employees, for families It also has various programs such as holding training classes, sports and holding competitions at different levels, which are very valuable in the industrial conditions of the work environment.
cooking and distributing food:
This unit, having 11 buses, 11 minibuses, 13 light cars and 7 pickups in three shifts, always strives to provide the best welfare services. provide it to employees.
It should be said; Provision of transportation service for the company's employees to attend Friday political and religious prayers to the cities of Khaf. Qasim Abad, Salami and Sadeh are also other services provided to the hardworking employees of this company.
green space unit :
This unit is responsible for all matters related to the green space of Opal Parsian Company. Among these matters are:
- Dealing with the state of green space
- Green space development
Goals of the green space unit:
Maintenance and management of about 8 hectares of resistant and compatible plant species in line with environmental goals is the most important goal of this unit. This is very important considering the adverse weather conditions of the region (120-day winds) as well as the unfavorable cultivation bed.
Physical Education Unit:
Physical training also provides significant services in order to expand public sports and create morale and maintain health, which in addition to company employees, for families It also has various programs such as holding training classes, sports and holding competitions at different levels, which are very valuable in the industrial conditions of the work environment.
cooking and distributing food: