?What is a warehouse
In today's world, warehouse and warehousing services play an undeniable role in various organizations and industries. The need for ease of access to various parts of goods and services and the organization of storage systems for goods has necessitated the creation of a department called warehouse.
Purpose of creating warehouse:
Receive goods 2- Movement of goods 3- Maintenance 4- Delivery of goods
Important notes about storage:
A regular and planned warehouse system in terms of time and cost efficiency can help collections to organize things. The rial value of warehouse stocks is different in different industries and various factors are effective in the amount of warehouse stock of industrial and commercial units. including: production method, the rate of use of machines, the type of manufactured product, the consumer market, the type of raw materials required, currency and price fluctuations in the world markets, the status of the industrial unit in the entire industry of the country and the world And finally, procurement systems and orders for production units.
But the warehouse is of special importance for various reasons for commercial and industrial institutions and centers, the most important of which are: the high value of the company's working capital, which is kept in the warehouse in the form of goods. (sometimes up to 60% of working capital) as well as continuous communication of the warehouse department with departments such as production or maintenance and interruption in production due to the lack of requirements.
Goals and tasks of warehouses:
in terms of separation and separation Parts and goods, the warehouses of the company are as follows:
1-import warehouse (quarantine)
2- Warehouse of spare and mechanical parts
3- Piping and tools warehouse
4-warehouse of administrative and consumables and safety
5-warehouse of electrical parts, automation and precision instruments, IT and laboratory
6-Storage of heavy and capital parts
7- chemical warehouse
8- Warehouse of waste and used parts