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اپال پارسیان سنگان

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Major repairs (overhaul) of the 6/2 concentrate factory of Opal Parsian Company have started

Major repairs (overhaul) of the 6/2 concentrate factory of Opal Parsian Company have started

10/2/2023 10:16:10 AM

According to the Public Relations Information Unit, in order to maintain and maintain the optimal conditions of the concentrate production line and to stabilize the readiness of the equipment in order to make maximum use of all capacities, the major repairs of the 2/6 concentrate plant of Opal Parsian Sangan Company from Wednesday, 1402/ Started 05/07.

Sebiani, the production manager of the 2/6 concentrate unit, further stated that these repairs are carried out in several groups of electricity, precision instruments and mechanics, and said: It is expected; The operation should be completed by Saturday 07/08/1402.

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